Thursday, January 24, 2008

Advice for New Runners: No Excuses!

Amy at Runners Lounge has come up with Run With It Thursdays. This week's topic what advice would you give to new runners? Here is my take:

Rob, what advice do you really think that new runners might need. My answer, leave your excuses at the door. When I began running about a year ago the hardest thing to do was to get out there. There is always an excuse lurking out there - I am too tired, I am too busy, I have a full schedule today. Leave all of that at the door. As my former martial arts instructor told me one time that if you look for an excuse long enough you will find one you like. Meaning in short that if want to find an excuse you will. It is hard to make a healthy habit. They say it takes 6 weeks to make or break a habit. I found with running it was considerably longer.

In short, if you decide you want to run three days a week, you just have to do it. Make running a priority not a if I have time sort of thing. Running cannot interfere with American Idol, it has to be the other way around. We also know which one should win right, (go get your shoes). To build the habit takes commitment and that is the hard part. You will always feel better after you run. It does not matter how far you run, what matters when you start is getting out there


Viv said...

Fantab post. I WAS a big excuses chick.

Chief Wahoo said...

That boils it down nicely.

I especially liked that last line - and I agree 100%! It's not how far, or how fast - what's important is that you are out there running!