Thursday, August 23, 2007

I am all jacked up today

The day started out well enough, I got up at 6:00 am and went out for a run. Things are looking up on this front.

Mile 1. 13:22
Mile 2. 12:22
Mile 3. 12:40
Mile 4. 12:32

This is two good ones in a row. I had only really looked at getting at 13:30 a mile for this upcoming half marathon. It seems I am out pacing my expectations. I am really doing well with the run since my return. I was a little tired from my cross training last night but overall I am happy.

Cross Training Notes:
Last night I was watching Human Weapon on the History Channel. It is a good show, there are some problems with some of the facts, but it is overall a good show. But it got me into the old school training methods I had done in my youth. So last night I did an hour and half of cross training after my daughter went to bed. I worked on a horse stance for a long time. A horse stance is simply a stance where the feet are a little wider than shoulder width apart, feet pointed forward, legs bent and knees out. This really puts a lot of stress on your thighs. If you can do it for five minutes you are doing well. But while I do this I also work on blocks and strikes. After twenty minutes my legs were toast. Additionally, my squats and other exercises are really getting high in terms of repetitions. Last night squats 45/ 40/ 50, calf raises 35/ 45, single leg squats 20/ 20. So that is going well

All Jacked Up
This morning after my shower, everything fell apart. First the trash truck was an hour early, so I had to run out and get all the trash to the curb. At least I didn't have to chase it. Then I forget to shave before I leave, so I have to pick up razors and shaving cream at the local Rite Aid before work and shave at my office rest room. The good news was no one saw me before I was able to shave. Which is fortunate as we have a group of attorneys from our U.K. offices here for the week. I could imagine, "Hey Nigel, check out this bloke." to which the partner I work for would promptly throw me from the 50th floor of our building. Well at least I wouldn't have been embarrassed anymore. The bad news is that I bought disposable razors and cut myself up a bit. I hate nicks. So now I look like I washed my face with glass chips. Who ever thought that scraping a razor sharp knife across your throat every day is a good idea is beyond me. Oh, well at least the running is good.

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