Sunday, August 26, 2007

Hell with the cover off

Pittsburgh was once described as Hell with the cover off. I think I know what that means after my run on Saturday. It was a miserable mess, the heat and humdity mix was intense to say the least. The heat started at about 77 with 91% humidity by the end of the run the heat was up to 80 with 81% humidity. It was a nasty mix. I fought through 6 miles before I realized that this was requiring too much fight. I was getting too dehydrated and I didn't have enough fluids. When I took on the gel packs I felt like I was going to vomit. There is a difference between toughing it out and being stupid. I was verging on stupid with the humidity level. I did do 6 miles at about a 12:45 pace. Not too terrible. But my fears were confirmed when I arrived at home. I had lost 6.5 pounds between morning weigh in and the end of the run. Not good. That was too much. I had been hydrating but it wasn't enough.

Weight Check

This is for my pre run weight on Saturday rather than the abnormal post run weight. So that puts me at 259. It is only 2 pounds difference but it is 2 pounds less. I can rationalize the small drop. I hadn't run for 3 of the 4 weeks of the month and I had done my strength exercises which probably added muscle. But the bottom line is that I feel better today than I did 30 days ago. That is what this is all about. So I am fine with a two pound drop. I will shoot for 4 for next month.


Joy | Love | Chaos said...

You forgot to mention the ridiculous hills that make the Burgh a tough place to run on a good day! I did my jd there and don't miss the, well, topography. Going back for a visit this fall and signed up for a half mary...I wonder what I've managed to get myself into!

Dave Fleet said...

Hi Rob,

I just discovered your blog, and wanted to send a quick comment to say, "good for you!" Especially in those horrible conditions on Saturday.

Keep it up! I'll keep tuning in.


Jason said...

Oh man. I wish I had known you were in Pittsburgh. I live abut an hour or so away. Yeah I was a victim of that crap weather on Saturday as well.

Robert Barker said...

I think I was unclear, I wasn't in Pittsburgh. Rather, I was in Philly. But the I remembered the quote and given the conditions on Saturday, I remembered it right away.

Anonymous said...

okay. i started my blog and was blatantly honest in it. its

let me know what you think. I HAVE to do this. LJ