Wednesday, December 5, 2007

10k Tuesday ... well not so much

I am sorry to say that I was not able to run last night as I usually do on Tuesday. I will have to make it up today. Last night other things took over my life.

1. I felt a little sick and had a small fever

2. It was really cold with the gusting wind

3. My daughter has some nightmares and was awake at the time that I usually run. So I had some parental duties to attend to. When she gets upset about scary things, she is usually easier to calm down when I talk to her.

4. #3 didn't end until 1am. So I went to bed instead.

Oh well there is today. I will cut out of work early to run while my daughter is at her swim class. It should all work out ... swimmingly. Sorry I could not help myself.

So lets hear it for 10k Wednesday. It doesn't seem to have the same ring. Oh well, its all I have.


Dan Seifring aka "OBRATS" said...

Have fun in the snow tonight.

Nancy said...

Sometimes, duty calls. Hope you can get it in tonight.

Just reminding you about 8 on the 8th. Stop by and pick up a cute little pacer, er, I mean, race shirt. :D Remember to let me know when you have posted so I can link you into the results. Good luck. I'm sure you're gonna smoke me AGAIN. :D

Robert Barker said...

Dan: Thanks, I am actually looking forward to it

Nancy: I don't know about all this smoking thing. I am a bit under the weather. So I don't think I will be breaking any land speed records. I fully expect to get stomped. :)