Tuesday, October 16, 2007

I need running

I have been going through some trying times as of late, I will term it as "family related stress" or FRS. Nothing like putting three letters together to make something sound very bad - oh he has FRS, so sad. I am trying to stay up beat about this and many will note that my posts are less frequent and much shorter as of late. But I felt the need today to do a bit of running affirmation. I am inspired by Non-Runner Nancy's latest post on her running efforts. To that end I thought I would do a little running affirmation time here.

1. Since I started running March it has become part of my life. It is something I schedule and something I look forward too. It is not I have to run tomorrow, it is I get to run tomorrow. I am not much of a jump up and down type, or I might be but my deluded serious self image prevents it. I jump up and down on the inside.

2. When I run a race, I get new clothes. I can always use a new t-shirt, excellent. Then I get to exercise with some great people. Because all runners are great people, everyone of us. For all the cyclist observations on runners being grim, I don't see it. Every time I talk to a runner they are approachable, engaging and helpful. In short runners are good people, which means that I am a good person too. See how I did that, I complimented a group and then added myself to the group, thereby complimenting myself. Neat huh?

3. In my life I collect a lot of stress. I have the aforementioned FRS and I also have "work related stress" also known as WRS. Now I will admit that I have far less WRS than FRS because I have an awesome job with great co-workers and partners with realistic world views. So I have less WRS as a result. However, I do collect some and that is added to the FRS. When I run, I can decompress that stress and just concentrate on running. Much like a Calgon commercial, my troubles are gone when I run, it is just me and the road/ trail. It is my zen moment as it were. I can forget about it all for as long as I go that day.

4. Tracking progress is key in all this. I know that when I ran my first race back in May I was really, really slow. I mean I was trucking along at my slow pace during the race and a bike medic pedaled next to me to see if I was o.k. I mean I weighed 280 so he probably had reason to keep an eye on me. I was pushing a 15:00 pace back then. This last weekend I did 11:26 pace over 5 miles. That is great for me. I can see the progress and I like that. It is not as easy in my martial arts practice to see as there is so much more to evaluate to see if you are making progress. Both are challenging just in different ways. I will never be fast but I will get faster. I would like to eventually do a half marathon at a 10:00 pace throughout, not too lofty.

5. As I said before, I run because I can. I almost hit 300 pounds, a scary thought really. I was almost at the point where I could not run, I mean really. So now when I get out there I think of that almost 300 pound guy. He chases me every day, I know he is out there waiting for me if I fail in my diligence. I can run so I do, to avoid my unhealthy self.

I still won't be as regular posting as I would like to be but I will be out there taking in the fall. The best time of the year for everything, especially running. There are lots of great local races coming up and I will do my best to be at as many as I can. Keep running, it makes you a great person.

1 comment:

Nancy said...

YEAH !! I'm so glad you did this. You have come a really long way, we both have, and there is so much more we can do. Hang in there.

PS I can see the "lawyer brain" when you write, just like my hubby :D